Thursday, August 20, 2009

toga parr


i absolutely love carmen and meagan, two girls i met from gotta sing gotta dance (summer program)
we've shared so may great moments, life will be a little dull when meagan heads back to victoria.
anyway, last friday night carmen (top right in first pic) hosted a little par at her house which was SUPPOSE to be a toga party, but unfornately not everyone got the memo and there was only like 4 of us in total dressed in togas.
good fun we had though.

Then the following day on sat, gotta sing gotta dance performed at a whitecaps football/soccer fun.
It felt a little awkward at first, with all the little kids and the huge crowd, but half way through i was like screw it, and just enjoyed myself. good game aswell, strong, but ended at 0-0.
the mascot was amazing, he kept coming over and taking meagan's camera and took a bunch of pics of himself and us.
one below.
p.s the shirts are the ugliest things i've ever seen. im sorry but GSGD you can do better than that...anyway, im exhausted. heres a few extra posts for the unfaithful posting the past week.
keep safe everyone.

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